Die guten Werke. Künstlerische Positionen zur Nächstenliebe
at Stift Klosterneuburg
Group exhibition curated by Wolfgang Christian Huber with works by Martina Pippal, Herwig Prammer, Lisa Huber, Fjodor Krasnikow, Franz Horst, Andreas Knapp, Konstanze Trommer et al.
May 1 – November 15, 2023, Stift Klosterneuburg, Sala terrana Galerie, Stiftsplatz 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria.
Opening hours: Mon–Sun 9 am – 6 pm
Exhibition opening: April 27, 2023 at 7 pm
Exhibition website
Ambivalenz der Wirklichkeit, Magie des Objekts, Poesie der Erzählung at Kleine Galerie
Objects and installations by Gotthard Fellerer (Gaia), Julia Fromm (Fleisch), Ulrich Gansert (Mensch und Tier), Elisabeth von Samsonow (Göttinnen) Hubert-Christian Ehalt (Palimpsest), Martina Pippal and Götz Bury (Liebe).
June 1 – July 7, 2022, Kleine Galerie, Kundmanngasse 30, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Exhibition opening: June 1, 2022
Performance by Martina Pippal and Götz Bury: June 9, 2022, 6:30 pm
Text about the showpiece of Martina Pippal and Götz Bury (PDF)
Kunstverkehr 2 at Kunstforum Leoben
Organised by the Freundeskreis Kunstverein Süd Ost (K.V.S.O.)
November 12, 2021 – January 8, 2022, Galerie Kunstforum Leoben, Kirchgasse 6, 8700 Leoben, Austria.
Opening hours: Mon–Sat 10 am – 5 pm
Exhibition opening: November 11, 2021 at 7 pm
Inauguration: Gemeinderat Mag. Dr. Johannes Gsaxner
Invitation (PDF)
Kunstverkehr 2 at Atelier Csokay in Gols
September 23 – November 6, 2021, Atelier Csokay, Gerichtswiese 40, 7122 Gols, Austria.
Opening hours: Thu–Sat 2–6 pm
Closing event: November 6, 2021, 6 pm
Inauguration: Gotthard Fellerer and Michael Csokay
Reading: Ulrich Gansert, Leidenschaft Kunst
Kunstverkehr 2 at the Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt
July 14 – September 10, 2021, Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt, Herzog-Leopold-Straße 21, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Opening hours: Tue–Fri 4–6 pm, Sat–Sun 10 am–6 pm
Exhibition opening: July 13, 2021 at 7.00 pm
Inauguration: Gotthard Fellerer
Invitation (PDF)
September–November 2020
The Improvement of the World A Chamber-Opera-Festival in Seven Rounds. Martina Pippal is producing a painting cycle called STILLS for the Sirene Opera Theater to be exhibited at F23.wir.fabriken, Breitenfurter Straße 176, 1230 Vienna, Austria on the following dates:
First round ETERNAL PEACE. The Dead Ones: September 1–4, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Second round ELSA. The Nudes: September 14–17, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Third round THIRST OF THE HYENA. The Thirsty Ones: September 25–28, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Fourth round THE STRANGER. The Strangers: October 6–9, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Fifth round AMERICA OR THE INFECTION. The Sick Ones: October 17–20, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Sixth round ICARUS. The Hungry Ones: October 29–31 & November 1, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Seventh round THE MIX-UP. The Imprisoned: November 10–13, 2020, each day 6:00–11:00 p.m. Video
Exhibition program (please click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures)
Opera program
Introduction of the artist Martina Pippal
May 12, 2020
Linde Waber. Künstlerin – Vernetzerin – Mentorin – mater familias reconsidered in the Era of Saint Corona Art film by Martina Pippal on the occasion of Linde Waber’s 80th birthday. Dubbing of Martina Pippal’s above mentioned essay published in the exhibition catalogue “Linde Waber retrospektiv und Weggefährten” 2010
Youtube channel of Martina Pippal
Website celebrating Linde Waber’s anniversary
November 15, 2019 – February 29, 2020
Group exhibition Meisterwerke – 25 Jahre Jünger at Galerie Jünger
curated by Andrea Jünger
Address: Paniglgasse 17a, 1040 Vienna, Austria.
Opening hours: Tue–Fri 2–6 p.m., Sat 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
(Note: Due to Holidays the gallery is closed from December 23, 2019 until January 7, 2020)
Martina Pippal is represented by the bronze figurine “Der Schuhauszieher” (The one who takes off his shoes)
May 7 – June 29, 2019
Group exhibition kunstverkehr at Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt with Friedrich Bastl, Johann Berger, Michael Bottig, Karl Brandstätter, Michael Csokay, Walter Csuvala, Christine Eberl, Fria Elfen, Gotthard Fellerer, Ulrich Gansert, Robert Hammerstiel, Hermann Härtel, Hubert Hochwarter, Florian Jakowitsch, Franz Kaindl, Talos Kedl, Bernhard Kratzig, Sepp Laubner, Franz Part, Herbert Pasiecznyk, Martina Pippal, Jolanda Richter, Nina Ripbauer, Elisabeth v. Samsonow, Sigi Schenk, Linde Waber, Wolfgang Walkensteiner, Rudolf Weisgrab, Herwig Zens
organized by Gotthard Fellerer (courtesy of Stadt Wiener Neustadt, Österreichisches Kulturzentrum, NÖ Kulturforum, Freundeskreis Kunstverein Süd Ost)
Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt, Herzog-Leopold-Straße 21, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Opening: May 6, 2019, 7 p.m.
Opening hours: Tue–Fri 4–7 p.m., Sat–Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Invitation (PDF)
June 12, 2019, 8 p.m.
Presentation of the exhibition catalogue “kunstverkehr” at Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt
Design by Gotthard Fellerer
Speakers: Klaus Schneeberger (Mayor of Wiener Neustadt), Ewald Sachner (Chairman of NÖ Kulturforum) and Gotthard Fellerer (Curator and Interart-Artist)
Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt, Herzog-Leopold-Straße 21, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
January 17 – March 2, 2019
Exhibition Menschen_Bilder. Malerei 2006–18 von Martina Pippal at Kunstforum Leoben (Courtesy of Stadtamtsdirektor HR Dr. Wolfgang Domian, Reg.Rat Gerhard Samberger, Direktorin Mag.a Susanne Leitner)
Kunstraum im MuseumsCenter Leoben, Kirchgasse 6, 8700 Leoben, Austria
OPENING January 16, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Opening Hours: Tue–Sat 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Feature on HiWay-TV (via youtube)
Inaugural Speech by Martina Pippal
About the opening on meinbezirk.at
Exhibition Catalogue (PDF) Layout by Prof. Gotthard Fellerer
November 15, 2018
at Künstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH
Kohlfurter Straße 41-43
D 10999 Berlin
19–22 p.m. at STUDIO 209
(green entrance, 3rd floor–2. Stock, on the left)
10th Art Austria 2017
International Fine Arts Fair, Gartenpalais Liechtenstein, 2017, March 24–26: Lilly’s Contemporary Art Exclusive Antiques (Vienna). Preview & Vernissage March 23, 2017.
9th Art Austria 2016
International Fine Arts Fair, Leopold Museum, MuseumsQuartier, 2016, March 10 – 13.: Lilly’s Art Gallery (Vienna) & Galerie Szaal (Vienna).